Matt Dawson
Matt Dawson MBE is best known as a member of the World Cup winning 2003 England Rugby Union squad.... Read More
Zoologist & Wildlife Presenter
Lucy Cooke is an award-winning TV presenter and producer, best-selling author and TED talker with a Masters in zoology from New College Oxford, where she studied evolution and animal behaviour under Richard Dawkins.
A well known media personality and great motivator
The iconic American television news programme 60 minutes (CBS) recently profiled Lucy’s work as a best-selling author, public speaker and zoologist. They also including an excerpt from her new film, Life in Slow Motion, in their 2023 series trailer. Lucy began her presenting career hosting Freaks and Creeps (National Geographic), a series based on her passion to highlight the weird and wonderful lives of the less attractive animal species that often get over-looked in favour of charismatic megafauna. She was a key panel member for the Radio 4 series Nature Table and in 2019 joined the Springwatch team on BBC Two. Her quick wit and far-reaching knowledge have also seen her pitted against Chris Packham as his opposing team captain on the BBC Two, natural history quiz show Curious Creatures, now in its second series.
As a speaker, Lucy is smart, savvy, and hilarious. She can educate and inspire on a range of subjects from "a revolutionary guide to being female", "exploding myths about sex and gender" to "sustainability tips from the sloth".
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