533 Search Results for: Business

Dr. James Bellini

Dr James Bellini has a considerable reputation as a thought-provoking speaker and moderator at top-level management conferences and business schools around the world. James is a respected futures analyst and writer with a strong focus on social, economic and technological trends up to Horizon 2025.

Tal Ben-Shahar

Tal Ben-Shahar is an author and lecturer who taught the most popular course at Harvard University on "Positive Psychology," and the university's third most popular course on "The Psychology of Leadership" - with a total of more than 1,400 students.

Todd Benjamin

Todd Benjamin is a globally recognised financial and economic expert who achieved prominence during his remarkable 26-year career as an anchor, correspondent and financial editor at CNN in Washington DC, New York, Tokyo and London.

Nicklas Bergman

Nicklas Bergman spent 25 years as an entrepreneur and technology investor focusing on investments and business development in emerging technologies. He searches for new opportunities which arise from the ever-changing technological landscape.

George Berkowski

George Berkowski is a seasoned, data-driven tech entrepreneur, who has a passion for user-centric product development. George is the CEO of ShopAR, a platform that lets you enhance your customers shopping experience with 3D and AR features. He has founded, built and scaled a number of award-winning marketplaces, fintech, ecommerce and mobile businesses.

Mr. Carl Bildt

Carl Bildt is Co-Chair of the European Council of Foreign Relations, contributing columnist to the Washington Post and the Project Syndicate. Previously, he has held positions both as Sweden's Prime Minister and as Foreign Affairs Minister. Since 2021, he has been serving as the World Health Organization's Special Envoy for the Access to COVID-19 Tools.

David Birch

David Birch is a recognised thought-leader in digital identity and digital money, he was named one of the global top 15 favourite sources of business information by Wired magazine. David is Principal at 15Mb Ltd., his advisory practice, and Global Ambassador for Consult Hyperion, the secure electronic transactions consultancy.

Prof. Asit Biswas

Prof. Asit Biswas is one of the world's leading authorities on water and environmental management. He is Distinguished Visiting Professor to the University of Glasgow and was a member of the World Commission on Water, and co-founder of International Water Resources Association and World Water Council.

Lord Ian Blair

Lord Ian Blair of Boughton was appointed Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police just months before the 2005 terrorist attacks in London. His tenure as Britain's top police officer was marked by change and turmoil in the service at all levels. Ian's police career spanned 35 years and included several senior leadership positions.

Prof. David Blanchflower CBE

David Blanchflower is currently a professor of economics at Dartmouth College in the US. As a member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, he was one of the few economists to correctly call the depths of the recession gripping the economy and has spoken out about the caution of his fellow MPC members.

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