Excellence is about aiming high in everything we do, whether in leadership, innovation or personal development. Striving for excellence encourages individuals and organisations to go beyond, achieve remarkable results and set the bar for success. Book an expert on excellence speaker to motivate your audience to adopt a culture of continuous improvement and deliver exceptional performance.

Luke Johnson
Former Chairman of Channel 4 and Entrepreneur

Garry Kasparov
The World's Greatest Chess Player

Kevin Keegan OBE
Former England International Football Player and Manager

W. Chan Kim
Professor of Strategy of International Management

Jonas Kjellberg
Serial Entrepreneur & Founding Member of Skype

Jaron Lanier
Digital Prophet & Composer

Patrick Lencioni
Founder & President of The Table Group

Carl Lewis
Olympic Gold Multi Medallist

Martin Lindstrom
Leading Expert on Business, Brand, & Culture Transformation

Gary Lineker OBE
TV Presenter and Former Captain of the England Football Team

Joseph MacInnis
Deep Sea Explorer & Best-Selling Author

Costas Markides
Professor of Strategic and International Management at LBS

Diego Masciaga
Master of Customer Service

Renée Mauborgne
Professor of Strategy at INSEAD

Jim McKelvey
Co-Founder, with Jack Dorsey, of Square
CSA’s excellence speakers are world class achievers, business leaders, athletes and thought leaders who have shown a relentless pursuit of greatness. They speak on topics such as goal setting, overcoming obstacles, building high performing teams and creating a culture of excellence. Their stories and real life experiences will inspire your audience to go for the extraordinary in their own lives and careers.
Whatever your event is about, leadership, organisational development or personal growth, an excellence speaker will bring new ideas and practical solutions. Let CSA find the right event speaker for you to engage your audience, start the conversation and inspire them to go for excellence in all they do.