Renewable power from solar panels and wind farms is falling rapidly in price and is now approaching grid parity.
The problem is that there has been no economic way to store excess power to cover the periods when renewable power is not being produced.
But now new breakthrough in battery technology suggest that renewable power will become a practical alternative to fossil fuel power in the near future.
Renewable power is approaching a tipping point.

Promising Trials of Blood Test To Detect Alzheimer’s
Ideally, everyone over 50 should have access to a routine blood test to check for early indications of Alzheimer’s Disease.
That possibility has now come one step closer with the successful trial of just such a test which recorded results of “unparalleled accuracy.”
“It is now generally believed that Alzheimer’s-related changes begin in the brain at least a decade before the emergence of telltale symptoms,” says Dr. Robert Nagele, from Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine. Read More

Your Personal, Electric VTOL Aircraft Is Ready For Take-Off
Hate commuting? Why not bypass the whole circus and jump in your two-seat, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) all-electric engine jet aircraft?
That’s the vision for the Lilium Jet, an aircraft currently being developed in Germany under the auspices of the European Space Agency’s business incubation centre. Read More

Tiny Drones Flying From A Mothership – Very Sci-Fi
DARPA is designing fleets of small drones which will drop out of bombers, to then be yanked out of the sky by cargo planes.
Sci-Fi as it may sound—as is the case with so many deadly-serious but still far-out military concepts—it makes a lot of sense. Darpa has just selected four companies to push the idea forward. Read More
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