CSA Ray Hammond’s Blog

Micro-Lecture 11 – When Are We Going To Tax The Robots

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This talk is about the looming demographic crisis in Western democracies. Our pensions and public health-care services are funded like Ponzi schemes and, as the Baby Boomers start to draw their pensions and make greater use of public healthcare, so there will be fewer and fewer working humans to contribute to fund these services.

But robots are just about to arrive in force. I think automation and robots have the potential to boost Western economies in a way that will make up for our declining workforce, but who will pay the dues to keep pensions and healthcare going?

I think we’ll have to tax the robots.

Glimpses of the Future October 2014

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Cuba Leads The World In Stem Cell Treatments

It is claimed that over 6,000 patients have been treated in Cuba with stem cells, a procedure of regenerative medicine that has been used in this Caribbean archipelago since 2004.

According to the local Granma newspaper, angiology and orthopaedics and traumatology are the specialties with the greatest number of cases treated by this method, which is applied in 14 of the 15 Cuban provinces. Read More

Glimpses of the Future September 2014

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Can Young Blood Really Rejuvenate Humans –Vampire Myths May Be True!

In California this coming October, people with Alzheimer’s will be given transfusions of young blood to see if improves their cognition – and there’s good reason to hope it might.

The scientists behind the experiment have evidence on their side. Work in animals has shown that a transfusion of young mouse blood can improve cognition and the health of several organs in older mice. It could even make those animals look younger. Read More

Here Come The Robots!

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Robots are coming – and coming fast. Low cost, “soft” robots that are able to work safely alongside humans will soon transform workplaces large and small. But what will be the effect on the human workforce?

Robot workers never take a day off, they never get tired, they never get sick, they never complain, they never show up late, they never waste time surfing the web and they always do what bosses tell them to do.

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Glimpses of the Future July 2014

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Expedia Now Accepting Bitcoin – The Cyber Currency Is Growing Up

The ever-expanding business uptake of bitcoin continues as more companies realize its increasing popularity amongst tech-savvy consumers. As a result, many progressive companies like Virgin Galactic, Overstock.com, and Atomic Mail have embraced the digital currency as a method of payment. Now Expedia.com has added its name to that list by announcing that it, too, will accept bitcoins for payment of hotel accommodation.
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