CSA Ray Hammond’s Blog

Artificial Intelligence: The Most Important Issue Humankind Has Ever Faced

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The point at which machine intelligence surpasses human problem solving abilities is often referred to as the ‘technological singularity’ (because like a black hole in space, the point is one beyond which we can gather no meaningful information about the future – who can guess what super-intelligence will bring or where it will lead?).

Some of the world’s greatest brains including Professor Stephen Hawking have warned that the creation of strong artificial-intelligence (AI) may become humanity’s greatest achievement but, he suggests, it may also be our last achievement.

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What 4G really means for business

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Futurologist Ray Hammond insists that 4G networks are set to continue having an impact on society that will be far more profound than most people realise. He explains: “4G networks will extend high-speed connectivity through the air to allow businesses of every size to use the marketing, organisational and efficiency opportunities that will make business truly democratic. A small restaurant on the street corner now has the same opportunities to promote itself and attract customers in the super-fast world of 4G as the biggest chain of fast food outlets. The same is true for almost all other types of business.”

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Key trends driving the development over the next 50 years

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We live in an increasingly complex world. Most scientists would even agree that we are living in one of the greatest times of change in the whole history of our species. And that the pace of change is still increasin…

How on earth do you and your company then stay relevant and competitive in such an environment – not only next year, but in five years, ten years, twenty years and thirty years from now? The answer is innovation.

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