Anders Indset
Global Business Philosopher
Anders Indset is one of the world's leading business philosophers. He is the co-founder of the management think tank 'ShapingWork' where he has outlined a new academic approach that combines practical, applicable philosophy with best practices from leadership, management and execution.
"Simplicity is the most complex thing today"
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Anders' work focuses on the dialogue between philosophy and business, which has boundless potential. Philosophy, "the art of being wrong", supports the continuous improvement of business models, methods, and strategies by critically questioning basic economic assumptions and beliefs and uncovering core problems. The unlimited openness of this approach to paradoxes, differences, and ambiguities harbours the potential from which innovative and sustainable entrepreneurial perspectives and solutions can emerge. Thinkers50, the premier ranking of global business thinkers, regarded as the "Oscars of Management Thinking" by many, has recognised Anders on the Radar 2018 as one of 30 Global Thinkers "most likely to shape the future of how organizations are managed and led". He is a visiting guest lecturer at leading international business schools and involved with various tech start-ups.
Known for his unconventional thoughts and rock star attitude Anders offers a new perspective on the "art of thinking" and tangible ways of how managers and leaders can handle the current speed of change. By bridging the philosophy of the past with the technology and science of tomorrow, he shows how leaders can cope with the 21st century.