Benjamin Bargetzi

Global Lead Future Technologies World Economic Forum

Benjamin Bargetzi is an internationally sought-after expert on digital transformation strategies, change management, and innovation. He has carved a dynamic career path from leading roles at big tech giants such as Google and Amazon to becoming an international entrepreneur, keynote speaker, advisor, and investor.

"Expert on Future Technology and Change Management"

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  • Embracing Change
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • The Future is Now
  • Leadership in Uncertain Times
  • The Next Level of Innovation Culture


He presents in English.

How he presents

What sets Benjamin Bargetzi's keynotes apart is the unique balance he strikes between concrete, hands-on business advice and inspiring, mind-opening future visions, fully focused on providing his audiences with both a future-positive mindset and clear next action steps.

In Detail

Benjamin has led to success global high-stake transformation and innovation projects with over $120 million on the line each by bringing together his flair for technology and innovation with insights from neuroscience. He frequently advises Fortune 500 companies on future-proof business models and built up a global AI & neuroscience research institute. Benjamin researched and studied the human brain at world-leading universities in Oxford, London, Singapore, and Zurich, alongside international pioneers in the field. His research focused on how the human brain deals with change, risks, and uncertainty.


As a speaker, Benjamin Bargetzi is frequently invited by Fortune 500 companies, government organisations and top universities alike to speak on success strategies for the digital transformation process, what the world will look like in 2035, and what we can learn from cognitive & neurosciences to become better business leaders.



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