Francisco Lozano Winterhalder

Professor of Environment at the ESADE Business School

Francisco Lozano Winterhalder is Professor of the Environment at ESADE Business School (Barcelona) and Professor of Environmental Ethics at the Borja Institut of Bioethics (Barcelona). He is professor of the MBA and of the International Course for Executives in environmental issues and is a Climate Reality Leader in the Climate Reality Project, founded and presided by Al Gore.

"Sustainability and Circular Economy in a Holistic Culture context....EVERYTHING IS LINKED!"

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  • Sustainability and Companies
  • Corporate Environmental Responsibility and Business Competitiveness as Synergic Systems
  • 10 Keys to Understand the Future
  • Geopolitics, Sustainability and Strategy
  • Multicultural Diversity
  • Environmental Corporate Responsibility as Business Opportunity


Prof. Winterhalder is fluent in English, Spanish, French and Catalan.

How he presents

Professor Winterhalder challenges and inspires audiences with his expertly delivered speeches. Each presentation is followed by a lively Q&A session which is both highly stimulating and valuable.

In Detail

In 2020, Francisco received the BASF Award 2020 for the best practice in Circular Economy in Spain (Academic world). He is also member of the Advisory Board of the Spanish Circular Economy Observatory (Club de Excelencia en Sostenibilidad). In 2017, he received too the Teaching Innovation Award of ESADE Business School, as a part of the OIKOS project. He collaborated with the Global System for Sustainable Development (MIT, US) and was a part of the Sustainable Council of the city of Barcelona. He belongs to the Island Innovation project, being named Island Innovation Ambassador during 2022 and 2023.


Professor Winterhalder talks in great detail about a range of subjects: environment, universe and life and culture, cultures and values. In his main field of work, the environment, he also looks at social, political and economical repercussions of global climate change and in general, of the most important environmental issues.


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