Dr. Ian Bremmer

Political Scientist & Entrepreneur

Ian Bremmer is a political scientist dedicated to helping business leaders, policymakers, and the general public understand the complexities of the world. He is the president and founder of Eurasia Group, a top geopolitical risk advisory firm, and GZERO Media, which offers insightful and engaging coverage of international affairs.

"Those countries where politics matters at least as much as economics for market outcomes"

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  • Global Politics
  • Global Governance and GZero
  • Climate Change & Sustainability
  • Emerging Markets


He presents in English.

How he presents

As an independent voice on global issues, Ian provides clear and thoughtful analysis through his speeches, written commentary, and even satirical puppetry.

Books & Media

  • The Power of Crisis
  • Podcast: Zero World with Ian Bremmer

In Detail

Ian is recognised for pioneering the integration of political risk into financial markets, having created Wall Street's first Global Political Risk Index (GPRI), and for establishing political risk as a distinct academic discipline. Additionally, his concept of "G-Zero," describing a global power vacuum where no country is willing or able to set the international agenda, is widely adopted by policymakers and thought leaders. Ian serves as rapporteur of the UN High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence and is the foreign affairs columnist and editor at large for Time magazine. He is the host of GZERO World with Ian Bremmer, a global affairs program that airs weekly on US public television.


Ian Bremmer provides analysis and commentary on a variety of topics through his speeches, writings, and media appearances, helping various audiences understand and navigate the complexities of the modern world.


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