Karen Palmer

The Storyteller from the Future

Karen Palmer is renowned as the "Storyteller from the Future," an innovative artist who crafts immersive film experiences that engage audiences through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Facial Recognition technology. Her groundbreaking work allows participants to explore the implications of future AI and surveillance, fostering a deep understanding of the societal impacts and the importance of democratising AI.

"A thought leader in immersive storytelling and futurism"

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  • The Future Crashes into our Present
  • The Future of Storytelling: Merging Technology with Narrative
  • Immersive Experiences and Their Impact on Audience Engagement
  • Ethics and Responsibility in Interactive Storytelling
  • Building Empathy Through Immersive Storytelling
  • Creating Engaging Content for the Digital Age


She presents in English.

How she presents

She showcases her groundbreaking immersive film experiences that use AI and Facial Recognition. These demonstrations allow participants to experience firsthand how these technologies can shape our future, highlighting both the potential and the perils.

In Detail

Karen's recent project, Consensus Gentium, commissioned by the BFI, won the XR Experience Award at SXSW 2023. This interactive film explores the implications of contemporary AI technology, integrating cutting-edge facial detection and AI to transport audiences on a unique quest. It examines the consequences of unchecked surveillance, calculating participants' dissidence or compliance by monitoring data through the devices' front-facing camera. Her work has been extensively covered in notable publications and has been featured in numerous interviews and events, from the Future of Storytelling Festival in NYC to The Big Think.


Karen inspires and challenges perceptions through her pioneering work, making significant contributions to the discourse on AI, surveillance, and social justice.



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