Prof. Peter A. Diamond

2010 Nobel Prize Winner in Economic Sciences

Peter Diamond was awarded the Nobel Prize for his seminal work on search theory, the theory of the frictions and incentives involved in the process of matching. He is an Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, known for his analysis of U.S. Social Security policy.

"One of the world's leading economists"

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  • Analysis of Markets with Search Frictions
  • Regulation and Economic Policy
  • Pensions & Taxation
  • Labour Analysis
  • Capital Markets and Risk Sharing


He presents in English.

How he presents

He offers tailored talks on topics such as public finance and taxation, Social Security, labour markets and behaviour economics. His invaluable presentations make him a highly sought-after speaker at prestigious events all over the globe.

Books & Media

  • On Time: Lectures on Models of Equilibrium
  • Saving Social Security: A Balanced Approach (with Peter R. Orszag)
  • Taxation, Incomplete Markets and Social Security

In Detail

Professor Diamond is best known for his pioneering work in optimal taxation which has been widely applied to the pricing of public utilities. His macroeconomic model with overlapping generations has been very widely used. He received a Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and after beginning his teaching career at the University of California, he returned to the MIT faculty in 1966 and has remained there since. Among many other avenues of research, he helped develop studies from the late 1970s onward that examined the ways markets function over a period of time. He worked as an advisor to the Advisory Council on Social Security and served as president of the American Economic Association. In 2010 President Barack Obama re-nominated Peter to the U.S. Federal Reserve's Board of Governors.


With an honest, transparent, and comprehensive approach, Peter Diamond expertly helps audiences understand the ways in which unemployment, job vacancies, and wages are affected by regulation and economic policy, bringing some welcome realism and decency to current issues.



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