Graham Cluley
Graham Cluley is an award-winning security blogger, researcher, and podcaster who has been at the forefront of cybersecurity for... Read More
Principal Research Associate at University of Cambridge
Dr. Robert Phaal works in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge, where he conducts research in the area of strategic technology management and organisational challenges in the context of high tech innovation and strategy.
"A world renowned strategic roadmapping expert"
Dr. Phaal joined the Centre for Technology Management in 1997. His particular interests include technology-intensive innovation, the emergence of technology-based industry, the use of visual techniques for strategy, and the development of practical management tools. He has a mechanical engineering background, with a PhD in computational mechanics and industrial experience in technical consulting, contract research and software development. Strategic roadmappìng has been a key area of ongoing interest, in terms of both research and practice as a platform for strategic toolkits, focusing on ‘fast-start’ workshop approaches that can help to deliver early benefits while learning how the method can help, minimising effort, cost and risk.
Dr. Phaal offers an authoritative perspective on roadmapping and related methods for strategy and innovation. Knowing how to use a few selected tools well, and how to adapt and combine them, provides a flexible foundation for building management systems. ‘Fast-start’ workshop approaches provide an agile and low risk route to deploying the ideas covered, supported by online templates.
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