Santiago Lopez

World's First $1 Million Bug Bounty Hacker

Santiago Lopez started invading corporate computer systems at age 16, after he learned to hack from YouTube videos and like-minded friends. Now 21, he says he never wanted to commit crimes. Rather he is a bounty hunter, invited by companies to find holes in their business networks and burrow into their vulnerable data.

"A trailblazing figure in the cybersecurity realm"

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  • Ethical Hacking: Navigating the Frontlines of Cybersecurity
  • Bug Bounty Hunting: Uncovering Vulnerabilities and Securing the Digital Realm
  • The Future of Cybersecurity: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
  • From Zero to $1 Million: Santiago Lopez's Journey in Ethical Hacking
  • Building a Secure Digital Future: Strategies for Individuals and Organisations
  • The Future of Cyber Resilience


He presents in English and Spanish .

How he presents

Whether you're looking to gain insights into the latest cybersecurity trends, learn about ethical hacking techniques, or explore strategies for enhancing digital security, Santiago's engaging and informative talks offer valuable perspectives for audiences around the world

In Detail

The idea is that a company will then fix what's wrong to harden itself against bad actors, "black-hat" hackers, looking to steal data, conduct espionage and disrupt business operations. As a self-taught hacker, his insatiable curiosity and innate talent for uncovering vulnerabilities propelled him to the forefront of the industry. Through relentless determination and a commitment to ethical principles, he honed his skills to become a formidable force in the cybersecurity community. Santiago has been featured in numerous media outlets and conferences, where he shares his insights into the evolving cybersecurity landscape and the critical importance of ethical hacking in safeguarding digital infrastructure.


Driven by a passion for innovation and a desire to make the digital world safer for all, Santiago continues to push the boundaries of cybersecurity. His journey serves as a testament to the power of persistence, ingenuity, and ethical integrity in tackling the challenges of the digital age.


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