Seth Godin

Marketing Guru & Best-selling Author

Seth Godin, a true agent of change, is world-renowned for his transformative insights on marketing, leadership, and change. Known for his ability to challenge the status quo and inspire innovative thinking, Seth has made a significant impact on businesses and individuals alike, encouraging them to think differently and embrace the power of creativity and connection.

"The Ultimate Entrepreneur for the Information Age" Business Week

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  • Marketing
  • Change Management
  • AI and The Future of Work
  • Innovative Marketing Strategies
  • The Power of Storytelling
  • Creating a Remarkable Brand
  • Tribes and Community Building


Seth presents in English.

How he presents

Seth Godin is known for his engaging and thought-provoking speaking style. He combines storytelling with actionable insights, leaving audiences not only inspired but equipped with the tools and mindset needed to make a tangible impact. His presentations are filled with real-world examples, humour, and a deep understanding of human behaviour, making his sessions both entertaining and enlightening.

Books & Media

  • Podcast: Akimbo
  • The Song of Significance
  • The Practice: Shipping Creative Work
  • This is Marketing
  • The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly?
  • We Are All Weird
  • Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us

In Detail

Seth is the creator of the AltMBA and The Marketing Seminar, online workshops that have transformed the lives and careers of thousands of participants by providing them with practical skills and innovative thinking strategies. In 2011 and 2007 Seth was listed in the Thinkers 50 list of global business thinkers. He is a member of the Direct Marketing and the Marketing Hall of Fame and might be the only person in both. Seth also founded two companies, Squidoo and Yoyodyne (acquired by Yahoo!).


In his enlightening presentations Seth focuses on the creative thinking necessary for a business to create "a purple cow" - an offering that stands out from the crowd and causes customers to take notice.



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