Adapting to New Realities

Natalie Campbell MBE
Social Entrepreneur

Caroline Casey
Inclusivity Activist

Calum Chace
The 'AI Guy'

Marita Cheng
Founder of Aubot and Robogals

Lord Kenneth Clarke
Former Chancellor of the Exchequer

Patrick Collison
Founder & CEO of Stripe

Antonio Costa
Former Prime Minister of Portugal

Peter Cross
Brand & Consumer Strategist

Alistair Darling
Former Chancellor of the Exchequer

Hernando de Soto
Authority on Western and Third World Economies

Iain Duncan Smith
Former Secretary of State for DWP

Arne Elias Corneliussen
Leading Authority on Geopolitics and Global Affairs

Kirstin Ferguson
Leadership Expert

Christiana Figueres
Internationally Recognised Leader on Global Climate Change

Joschka Fischer
Former Foreign Minister and Vice-Chancellor (Germany)