Digital Transformation

Vala Afshar
Chief Digital Evangelist at

Anima Anandkumar
Director of Machine Learning Research, NVIDIA

Sterling Anderson
Expert in Autonomous Vehicles

Benjamin Bargetzi
Global Lead Future Technologies World Economic Forum

Walt Becker
Film Director, Writer & Producer

George Berkowski
Product Builder, Entrepreneur, AR, Deeplearning & Author

Carl Bildt
Former Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs

Kirk Borne
Founder, Data Leadership Group

Arturo Bris
Professor of Finance at IMD

Erik Brynjolfsson
Leading Authority on the Economics of IT

Calum Chace
The 'AI Guy'

Marita Cheng
Founder of Aubot and Robogals

Liam Chivers
Pioneer of YouTube and Online Influencer Management

Dan Cobley
Former MD, Google UK and Ireland

Patrick Collison
Founder & CEO of Stripe