Digital Transformation

Kenza Ait Si Abbou Lyadini
Globally renowned expert for AI and robotics

Vala Afshar
Chief Digital Evangelist at

James Alexander MBE
Director Future Agenda, Co-Founder #voicefortheplanet

Sterling Anderson
Expert in Autonomous Vehicles

Azeem Azhar
Internet Entrepreneur & Investor

Sonya Barlow
Award-Winning Founder of Social Inclusion Network LMF Network

George Berkowski
Product Builder, Entrepreneur, AR, Deeplearning & Author

Carl Bildt
Former Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs

Sue Black
Computer Scientist, Academic & Social Entrepreneur

Kirk Borne
Founder, Data Leadership Group

Arturo Bris
Professor of Finance at IMD

Erik Brynjolfsson
Leading Authority on the Economics of IT

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
Psychologist, Entrepreneur & Author

Marita Cheng
Founder of Aubot and Robogals

Liam Chivers
Pioneer of YouTube and Online Influencer Management