Economy and Finance

Hernando de Soto
Authority on Western and Third World Economies

Caitriona Ellis
Founder of Financial Wellness Academy and Hands Free Property Investor

Marc Faber
Economist and Master Forecaster

Niall Ferguson
Renowned Expert on Geopolitics and the Global Economy

Lord Daniel Finkelstein
Associate Editor of The Times, Prominent Media Commentator

Brian Forde
Leading Expert on Bitcoin and Blockchain

Stéphane Garelli
Expert on Competitiveness

Chris Giles
Economics Commentator at the Financial Times

Ian Goldin
Professor of Globalisation and Development, Oxford University

Sophie Hackford
Futurist, Technologist & Researcher

Lord Phillip Hammond
Former Chancellor of the Exchequer

Noreena Hertz
Decision-Making Guru & Renowned Economist

Nicola Horlick
CEO of Money & Co.

Charlotte Jessop
Financial Educator and Influencer

Keyu Jin
Economic Advisor to the Chinese Government