Economy and Finance

Kersti Kaljulaid
Former President of the Republic of Estonia

Lord Mervyn King
Former Governor of the Bank of England

Brett King
Global Expert on Retail Banking, Founder of Movenbank

Peter Komolafe
Financial Expert, Youtuber and Podcast Host

James Kynge
Bestselling Author on China

Norman Lamont
Former Chancellor of the Exchequer

Mark Leonard
Co-Founder of the European Council on Foreign Relations

Martin Lewis
Founder, MoneySavingExpert

Gerard Lyons
International Economist

Pippa Malmgren
Former US Presidential Advisor & Co-Founder HRobotics

David McWilliams
10th Most Influential Economist in the World

Timi Merriman-Johnson
Founder of Mr Money-Jar & Financial Content Creator

Zanny Minton Beddoes
Editor-in-Chief of The Economist

Dambisa Moyo
International Economist & Global Bestselling Author

Rain Newton-Smith
Director General of the Conferation of British Industry