Globalisation and Global Affairs

Göran Persson
Former Prime Minister of Sweden (1996-2006)

John Plender
Award-winning Financial Times Columnist & Feature Writer

Romano Prodi
Former Prime Minister of Italy

Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Former Danish Prime Minister & Former NATO Secretary General

Matteo Renzi
Former Italian Prime Minister

Maria Ressa
2021 Nobel Peace Prize Winner

John Sawers
Former Chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service, MI6

Nina Schick
GenAI Expert and Advisor

Jenny Shipley
Former Prime Minister of New Zealand

Achim Steiner
Administrator, United Nations Development Programme

Rory Stewart OBE
Politician, Humanitarian & Adventurer

Tshering Tobgay
Former Prime Minister of Bhutan

Guy Verhofstadt
Member of the European Parliament

Sayeeda Warsi
Britain's First Muslim Government Minister