Thought Leaders

Yuval Harari
Renowned Best Selling Author

Salim Ismail
RenTechnology Strategist, Software Engineer & Entrepreneur

Garry Kasparov
The World's Greatest Chess Player

Sophia Kianni
Climate Activist & UN Advisor

Renée Mauborgne
Professor of Strategy at INSEAD

Dambisa Moyo
International Economist & Global Bestselling Author

Moisés Naím
International Economist and Former Editor-in-Chief of Foreign Policy Magazine

Jamil Qureshi
Founder of JQED, Performance Coach

Nouriel Roubini
Professor of Economics, New York University

Howard Schultz
Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer of Starbucks

Carissa Véliz
Associate Professor in Philosophy at the Institute for Ethics in AI

Haiyan Wang
Co-Founder, China India Institute

Axel A. Weber
Chairman of the Institute of International Finance (IIF) and Former Chairman of the UBS Group

Malala Yousafzai
Co-Recipient of Nobel Peace Prize 2014

Muhammad Yunus
Founder of Grameen Bank & 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Winner