Thought Leaders

Gary Hamel
The World's Most Profound Business Thinker

Yuval Harari
Renowned Best Selling Author

Marga Hoek
International Business and Thought Leader

Salim Ismail
RenTechnology Strategist, Software Engineer & Entrepreneur

Garry Kasparov
The World's Greatest Chess Player

Sophia Kianni
Climate Activist & UN Advisor

W. Chan Kim
Professor of Strategy of International Management

Ray Kurzweil
Technology Pioneer and Inventor

Costas Markides
Professor of Strategic and International Management at LBS

Rita Gunther McGrath
Expert on Strategy in Uncertain and Volatile Environments

Kjell Nordström
Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics

Jamil Qureshi
Founder of JQED, Performance Coach

Howard Schultz
Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer of Starbucks

Nicholas Stern
Global Economist & Chairman of the LSE Grantham Institute

Joseph Stiglitz
Nobel Prize Winner for Economics